Keaau, Hawaii
Hawaii County


                                                                                                        Gridsquare BK-29

                                       CQ Zone 31

                                       ITU Zone 61



KH6LC Skimmer

.: The People of KH6LC  

Listed here are those you're most likely to hear operating at KH6LC. We do have fun out here.
Everyone is great about helping out with maintenance around the station which of course, never ends.   
A click on any name or picture will bring up a short bio:









NH6V, KH6LC (with Ginger), N6KB, KH7Y, AH6RE, NH7O
After WPX CW 2009

A special Mahalo goes out to Tom, WA6WPG who handles the mountains of QSL cards, and Mike, W7VO who built and maintains the KH6LC website.

Tom Thomas, WA6WPG
(KH6LC QSL Manager)
Mike Ritz, W7VO

Birthday Picture



Web site contents © Copyright Lloyd Cabral, KH6LC,  2010-2011, All rights reserved.
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